Fitness Equipment Everyday

With equipment or not, this shouldn’t stop you from working out. Even at home, your household items can be an alternative or replacement for your standard training equipment. You can assemble together a whole-body regimen to match almost any gym-based workout if you have a few common household materials on hand.

Water Gallons

You may easily swap two gallons of water for typical dumbbell exercises if you have two gallons of water available. Approximately one gallon of water weighs eight pounds. Just make a grip, curl, and swing. This should suffice for your arm workout! You can always add more weight by picking up extra gallons of water.

Couch Cushion

Couch cushions or pillows are an excellent substitute for costly balance aids. Because your body has to work more to maintain equilibrium atop the foam or stuffing-filled surface, they’re more difficult to stand on and execute workouts on. Although true balance tools add a higher amount of instability to each workout, it doesn’t rule out cushions as a viable option. Pushups on a cushion or split squat with one foot on the cushion and the other on the floor are good options.

Stool or Dining Chair

When it comes to push-ups, mix things up with the good old chair. Incline push-ups are perfect for beginners who struggle with traditional push-ups since they allow you to develop strength and form. Continue with a standard push-up while resting your hands on the chair seat rather than the floor.


If you have a length of rope around the corner, you don’t need to acquire a suspension trainer. Simply sling your rope over a strong tree branch, grab both ends, and begin doing aided pull-ups, suspension planks, and pushups. Consider tying solid knots at each end to strengthen your grip, or even making loops at the ends to use as hand and footholds. Simply ensure that the knots remain secure throughout each workout.